Saturday, December 26, 2009

My poodle is biting my F cup bra
so bored.
bored to the max when you have to force yourself to face all the stupid notes for the whole day.
I need to find a boyfriend.
so despo!
intro me k! xD intro to evoney also! I know she wants one also!
was too free so went google and find "ways to reduce my double chin"!
they might look easy but it's not easy when you try to do it yourself! X.x
  • Open your mouth as wide as you can, hold for 10 seconds and relax. For better results, add resistance under your chin--like a tennis ball (couldnt do this! there are rubberbands attached to my braces and sometimes they'll even break when I yawn with my mouth opened like a size of a fishball O.O + I dont have ballsss )
  • Place one hand on your forehead. Push your head forward while providing resistance with your hand. (look very stupid cause you arent moving! )
  • Point your chin up. Pucker up your lips, push them as far out as you are able to and hold for 10 seconds.
Didnt know whats the meaning of "PUCKER" so the super free ME went google and search for pictures of pucker lips! xD and this is what I got!

your worse nightmare lips!! so dry! this person should apply some vaseline every night before sleeping.

this one better! but pucker means lips out or not out? some one told me before that if you do this to a guy means you're trying to hint them "come babe!!" is it? true or no true? lol.
lips 2

if it's the first one then my double chin should reduce in no time cause I always do that pose!! you see! xD

ok continue to the steps....

  • Push your chin forward while keeping your upper body and shoulders still. Hold for 10 seconds. (this is okay =D)
  • Chew sugar-free gum to keep your jaw and facial muscles moving. Working your jaw line will prevent excess fat. (cant do this also :( cause of braces! sadddd. cant do so many things when you're with braces! cannot do freelance job, cannot smile widely...etc etc... most importantly.. cannot FRENCH KISS!!)
okay!! so I'll do this twice everyday until somebody intro me a bf!! yataaa!! :D

know whats boxing day?
if you're thinking that boxing day is a day where you box each other or wearing boxers on your head then you're totally WRONG!!

it's a day where you open all you christmas presents! :)
thanks to desmond chua...( er whats your full name? ) for telling me this!
usually we wont remember full names of people with christian names right?

anyways thanks! :)
ahh my blog very the lame! I always read others blog, superb english with high class pics :(
thats why I'm low profile, I dare not simply promote my blog to people.
so if you're reading this, you're considered LUCKY!! +D


desmondChua said...

LOL! thats the pic i wanted to show u lar! eh, u shud snap one together with ur face ma. coz i wanna make sure u deserve my KICK or not! LOL
my full name? will tell u in msn. haha..

sha kah ern said...

is it? we so yao yuen? haha! dowan la! now studying mode face super ugly!wana take pic have to purposely make up nice nice blablabla! haha! very time consuming! y ur full name very ba bai kenot tell here meh? :p

desmondChua said...

LOL! waa. u also know one ar? haha.. not bad!!

my name ar, of coz very ba bai laa!!

sha kah ern said...

of cuz i noe! i look at myself in the mirror more than u eat rice lor ok! haha!
got more ba bai then me a not?! nobody other than my family have the same surname!! WEEE~

desmondChua said...


please lar, my primary skol fren has the same surname with u. TOO BAD.. hahha

ur chinese name: jia xin? *wondering*

sha kah ern said...

ur primary school fren!>?!? IMPOSSIBLE LOR!!!! whats his or her FULL NAME!!! faster give me!! haha! maybe it's one of my cousins! LOL!

nonono! my name very ba bai also! tell u in msn! haha!