Thursday, September 23, 2010

I. today. is. sad.
did. something. wrong . I.
guilty. very.
did. not. the. guts. have. to. apologize.
turned. away. I.
papa. said. too. no.
sorry. really. I. am.
guess. but. you. never. will. this. see.
irresponsible. me .is.
hope. you. and. your ****. fine. will. be.
forgive. me. oh . pls.
repeat. never. will. promise. again.

try to arrange the words into a proper sentence if it doesnt make sense. lol.
there's nothing to look forward these days :(

I wish... tommorow is my birthday? ehe.
but birthday sometimes can be just like an ordinary day.

Maybe I prefer Agung's birthday.
cause it'll be a public holiday :D

My previous post was too short.
blame the sister! she was watching drama on another window on the same laptop =.=
so I was attracted to the drama. hehe.

I forgot to mention that..
my mom actually said that "I'M PREGNANT" to cut the queue when they were in Shanghai Expo! lollllll.
so funny and yeng right.
surprisingly, they believed her and she has been using that excuse for 3 days =.=
can try that next time if you have a kinda big tummy. keke.

She's the coolest mom among all the mommys! hehe!

I have to stop updating blog and concentrate in my studies.

seriously, why cant my uni be more efficient and update their notes on time?!?!?
suan lar if u didnt want to print it for us.
honestly, I hate my uni. sigh.
5 more years. I shall endure.
I promise to myself. myself only ya. that I will...
I will try to build an UMI medical university in the future!! ARGH!

miss the long hair eventhough ppl dont think I look different :p
look at the wonders of contact lens that made my pupil looked so BIG when it was just a size of a little guli few years back! xD

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