Sunday, August 23, 2009

wah i'm so bored these days doing nothing so I have really nothing to update but I still want to update hehe.
after soooo many months, why do I only have 4buckssssssssss for my nuffnang?!??!
anybody knows about HTML thingy?! help me pls oh pls!
I need money to go shopping! :p

For the mean time, just for the mean time, I've finally decided to do dentistry. haha. I dont know when will I change my mind again but theres really not much time left for me to decide.
Didnt know that dentistry need to see corpse too. so i played this very the lame game but very the gross to make me get used to it! haha!

poor little turkey. plucking the feathers. Dig out the organs. Cut the neck. Stuff the turkey. AHH so lame la i know. because i'm just too free. pls oh pls my friends, ask me out! come on come on! I know some of you are having holidays!! haha! The aim of this game is to tell us how cruel is to kill and cook a turkey. So stop eating turkeys and eat chicken!! :) haha any difference? O.o reminds me of andrew's swan hosue turkey! F.Y.I, his family kills one turkey to eat every christmas. tsk tsk :p

I know how you are feeling, all alone with hatred and the pain in ur heart. the feeling of being emotionally tortured. Like being dragged slowly across a bed of razor blades, pain so bad you'd take death with a smile just to get away from it. You've done so much for me and I really want to tell you I appreciate every single bit of it. I'm sorry things did not work out. But i just want you to bear in mind that i appreciate all the things u've done for me, the extra miles you've went just to make me happy. and i hope you will find one who deserves u more, who will give u happiness and joy instead of sadness and loneliness =)


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