(Actually i always copy and paste when I type this word cuz it's so long I cant even remember it myself :p )
today's gugalapopo watever is for the Miss Chinese Astro Malaysia 2010 that i've just watched live in TV. when they announced the winner, my sis and I were like "WHAT?!?!?!" "APA?!?!" "OMG!!" "WALAUEH!?" "SHEN ME?!"
I've never paid attention to this contestant. So I have never expect her to win. but this proves that inner beauty is the more important. er. i'm not saying she's not pretty ah! haha! if she's ur cousin, fren, sister or anybody, no offence! come in peace! :)
she's a 黑馬! xD
congrats! :) I've been watching Miss astro since the very beginning. so seeing them win it's just like... seeing my children grow up and became so successful u know? i wanted to cry! so touched! lol.
CAN U BELIEVE IT?! tomorrow is my last day of work!!! and I will let it be the last day of working as a promoter in my ENTIRE LIFE! :D
tiring like banana. my legs muscle also like banana shape.
my only entertainment when I was bored.
watching "despicable me" outside Speedy! :)
but I kept looking left right up down to look for a sign of my boss! watch till bu shuang!
evoney is the super hardworking one! xD she's soooo suitable to be a successful promoter! haha! she never laze around like me! I always jiajia knell down to find things or tie my shoe lace but actually I was resting my legs! haha!
I even went to the opposite shop which is Optical England to do free eye test! :DDDD during working hours! hohoho! so free and brave! but hor!! the aunty which is also the worker there was so lazy like me! or maybe lazier!
I said I wana do free eye test. she asked did I come to check to see whether my power increase? I said yes and u know what she asked me to do?
=.= super =.=
close one of my eye and look far far away! if it's blur! then my power have increased!!
so lazy oh!! dont even wana use the machine to check! lazy bump like me! haha!
I didnt mention I'm working outside a supermarket right. It has pros and cons. Pros is so convenient to buy groceris. cons is I kept buying things that wasnt necessary.
Like this! hehe! I saw this while I was putting the stuff into the store room O.O
teddy bear biscuit!! my favourite when I was a cute little baby!
and we used to bite off their head, hands blablabla before eating everything up! :)
teddy bear face. wa sofa behind so messy. sry ah.
last day yeah yeah last day!! woohoo! byebye! I'm gonna save the salary I got till I'm old! so hard to earn lar this money! wah so tired everyday yet I still update my blog! :) so ppl must give face a bit give response k! huhu
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